It poured last night. I woke up to the sound of the rain coming down and I thought how nice it would be to lay in bed and read all day. Then I remembered I had three kids. Luckily it is hard to forget too long when your personal alarm clock wakes you up as soon as there is a hint of light in the sky. Meet Conner. Conner is 4 and doesn't sleep. And if you can't sleep, you might as well wake someone up for company. Conner actually slept until 6:30 today so I was able to make my breakfast before he demanded his. If you think "demanded" is a strong word, you don't know Conner.
As I made my breakfast I realized my camera was dead and since I have 5 minutes to eat before toothbrushing, backpack checking and cleaning up yet another spilled juice I decided to take a picture of the boxes. Breakfast Breakdown:
36grams of Roman Meal Cereal (110cal, 1pt)
1/4 cup Almond Breeze (10cal, opt)
Piece of TJ's Whole Wheat Toast (90cal, 1pt)
16g Better N' PB (50cal, 1pt)
I dropped the two kids off at school and Conner and I headed to the gym. I really like the gym. I can zone out on the treadmill. The $3 for Kids Club seems surprisingly cheap for 2hrs of total quiet. I ran for an hour and did 7.96miles. I did 800 intervals. 800 jog (7.0 1% incline) followed by 800 sprint (8.2 1%) then 800jog again followed by hill work (7.0 4% incline). I alternated this until my hour was up. I did enjoy the woman next to me whose expensive breast barely fit in her top. I don't know how you run with those things bouncing about. Yes, I am speaking out of jealousy and just can't afford a pair of my own. Someday...someday.
Came home and Conner wanted a smoothie. Being the great mom I am I suggested a cookie and mini cinnamon rolls instead. In my defense, Grammie bought them, not me. He happily agreed and now I am just waiting for the sugar to kick in. I am having my favorite post workout snack.
Fiber One Strawberry Yogurt (50cal, 0pt!!)
1/3 cup TJ's High Fiber Cereal (40cal, Opt)
I am off to mop the floor and do last night's dishes.
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